Wednesday, 8 May 2013


1. Comparing (Similarities and Differences) Properties of Alkanes and Alkenes


Physical Properties Alkanes Alkenes
Physical state Physical state changes from gas to liquid when going down the series. Same with alkanes.
Electrical conductivity. Do not conduct electricity at any state. Same with alkanes.
Boiling points and melting points Low boiling points and melting points (number of carbon atoms per molecule increases). Same with alkanes.
Density Low densities (number of carbon atom per molecule increases). Same with alkanes.
Solubility in water Insoluble in water (soluble in organic solvent) Same with alkanes.
Chemical Properties Alkanes (Substitution reaction) Alkenes (Addition reaction)
Reactivity Unreactive Reactive
Combustion Burn in air and produce yellow sooty flame. Burn in air and produce yellow and sootier flame compare to alkanes.
Reaction with bromine solution No reaction. Decolourise brown bromine solution.
Reaction with acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution No reaction. Decolourise purple acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution.


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